Early on in the life of a
research study, researchers are required to submit details of their study to a
research ethics committee for formal review. A research study may raise a
number of ethical considerations with regard to safeguarding the people taking
part in the research. Any research study that involves NHS patients
in England must be submitted to the Health Research Authority (HRA) (formerly the National
Research Ethics Service) for review. The HRA is committed to enabling and
supporting ethical research in the NHS, while also protecting the rights,
safety, dignity and wellbeing of research participants. The HRA follows
statutory regulations based on ethical codes and principles, such as those laid
down in the World Medical
Association Declaration of Helsinki, which places the interest of the
research participant above those of science and society. The HRA is also
concerned with protecting researchers who engage in research activities,
sometimes referred to as ‘fieldwork’.
Gaining ethics approval may seem
time-consuming at the start of a project, when everyone is keen for the study
to get underway. However, it is a necessary part of research governance, a means of ensuring and maintaining
good standards in research practice in the NHS. Research governance approvals
also ensure that undertaking research in the NHS is complementary to the
standard delivery of care. The Integrated Research
Application System (IRAS) aims
to streamline the research application process, incorporating research ethics,
research governance and other regulatory requirements in a single application
For the qualitative interview
study part of this project we have submitted a series of study documents to an
ethics committee, whose members will read each one carefully. The
submitted documents include the plan for the study (also known as the study
protocol), the letter of invitation to patients, the participant
information sheet, which contains study details, and the consent form, amongst
others. We have also provided to the ethics committee details about how we will
gather and store research information, and how we will ensure confidentiality
and anonymity for study participants. The research ethics committee will
not give their approval for the study to proceed until they are satisfied that
the proposed research meets ethics requirements.
An ethics committee may require
the researchers to change the proposed plan for the research to meet with their
requirements. For example, committee members may feel that patients need to be
given more time to consider whether or not they wish to take part in a study. The
research ethics service undertakes to process applications within 60 days,
though in many cases it will happen more quickly, particularly through a fast
track process for low risk studies known as proportionate review.
Blogger: Dorothy McCaughan
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